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Senson has developed a variety of products to improve the reliability of printed circuit boards and assemblies. These products can be used during the manufacturing process for assembly protection or to provide protection during shipping or storage.

Products include: -

  • Cleaning Liquid
  • Conformal Coating
  • Corrosion Protective Equipment

Kleenguard Cleaning fluid is based on isoproponal and is effective for removing residual fluxes and organic and inorganic contaminants. Addition of Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VPCI's) is to provide short-term protection.

Senson Electroguard Conformal Coatings are developed for assembly protection that will experience a very harsh environment. This layer is very suitable for multi-layer printed circuit boards, mountain surfaces or hybrid technology. A very thin (10 micron) layer is flexible and easy to release that allows PC board rework. This layer also incorporates Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VPCI's) to provide long-term protection. This patented technology is exclusive to Conformal Senson Coating.

The Senson Marineguard Conformal Coating is ideal for assemblies that will experience a high salt (salt) environment. The coating is very thin (10 microns), flexible and easily removable so as to allow PC board rework. This layer also incorporates Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VPCI's) to provide long-term protection. This patented technology is exclusive to Conformal Senson Coating.

Senson Electroguard HP and HP Marineguard provide double layer thickness in one application.

The Senson Vapaguard Tabs and Tabs provide short or long term protection for assembled boards and the unit replaces the limited use of silica gel in protection and cannot be predicted in its performance.